Wednesday, November 30, 2011


First, let me say that I'm sorry I haven't reviewed (*cough*ranted*cough*) about the most recent Gossip Girl episode yet.  I haven't gotten a chance to watch it yet for a very good reason!  I've been doing a writing challenge called NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month.  Every November, they hold this writing challenge challenging you to write 50,000 words in the thirty day month of November.  If you finish, you're considered a winner.  It may not seem like a huge achievement.  All you have to do is write it right?  It's not like anyone's reading it.  You need a daily minimum of 1667 words.  Trust me, it ain't as easy as you think.  It eats your life!  Eats it I tell you!

This entire month, I haven't met the daily minimum on a single day.  Finally, I was determined to meet the minimum of 48,333 yesterday.  So I did.  I had a test today.  I was supposed to study.  Which I did.  And then I immediately wrote another 6000 words yesterday just to meet that minimum.  And I finished today!!!  Gods is it nice to not have this hanging over my head anymore.  I couldn't even enjoy my week long thanksgiving vacation thanks to NaNo.  But it's over!!! Yes!  Such relief!  But so much fun while it was happening too.  I found someone who goes to the same college as me on the forums and we met up at the Student Union to chat.  It was pretty cool.

I wrote a story set in ancient China in the Qing Dynasty.  The fourth prince named Hong Li finds a wounded bird and brings it home to take care of it.  But eventually, he finds out that this bird is an angel named Bao Ling.  He falls in love with Bao Ling and she falls in love with him too.  But he can't be with her because he has to be faithful to his duty as a prince.  He's forced to marry and take the throne.  He begs Bao Ling to run away with him, but Bao Ling refuses, knowing he has a duty to his country.  Hong Li never forgets Bao Ling and his love for her.

My story is my baby now.  I just have to finish it...  I ended with 50,082 words and I still have a chunk of story left to go.  So much work, but I can't wait for next year so I can do it all over again!  See the badge on the right side of the page?  It's for my winning NaNoWriMo this year!  Check it out!  And try NaNoWriMo!

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