The Big Sleep No More (Season 5, Episode 7)
Woah! William Vanderbilt? That's an old storyline that's been revived. He's meddling in Nate's life again? Sigh. And now he's trying to bring down Serena or something too? What's he got against her? Curveball! I thought the guy Diana kept talking to was her actual boyfriend who had a grudge against Nate or something.
Promoting new Apple software much? Dan was using iMessage to talk to his dad. iOS 5! iMessage is the new addition to Apple software! Woot! It's actually pretty useful. Especially for people without texting... which admittedly, are in the minority. But there are plenty! You don't need to pay, and you essentially get all the functions of texting. Wow. Now I'm promoting the thing.
Max and Ivy. Hmm. I should've known they wouldn't just throw Max in there at the beginning for the heck of it. He must serve some greater purpose. And at the UES, that greater purpose is always... screwing up the lives of everyone else. Pleasant thought, ain't it? I honestly thought Max would be there looking for Ivy. Though... in retrospect, why would he go there? He didn't know where Ivy was going, as I recall. And of course, the girl he falls for is Serena Van der Woodsen, the girl Ivy idolizes. Everyone inevitably falls for Serena. Except Chuck... but that's a different story. Ha! Charlie/Ivy has now experienced the never-changing process that everyone chooses Serena. Hate Charlie. Sure, I'm sure she needs money, but you don't need to ruin other people's lives to get it! What kind of person does that make you? I can be very morally righteous when I want to be. Does Serena like Max now? Ha! She got stood up for the first time in her life! Score! Too bad Max didn't really want to stand her up... And Charlie and Nate? Ew. Thank god Nate chose Diana, even if I don't exactly love her either.
Diana's interesting. Much more interesting than the other adults on the show. But... I must admit, she seems more like the teenagers on the show than an adult. What's that tell you about her? Her manipulation is, as of yet, flawless. Which is quite amazing. She's pulling all the strings, and no one's snagged the wrong one yet. I'm sure it'll all come tumbling down soon enough. But until it does, let's enjoy the ride!
Serena is way too protective. She doesn't mind Gossip Girl picking on her, but she won't let her pick on Charlie? Admittedly, I adopt a similar point of view. People can make fun of me all they like, but when you start making fun of my friends... you die. But really, for a schemer and a liar, you'd think Serena could see through all of Charlie's lies. Maybe she should go be an actress right now. She's certainly convincing everyone around her. And if she wants to be an actress... why stick around here? What, are you expecting a recommendation from the UES saying, "Oh! Ivy was spectacular in deceiving us! She's a brilliant actress cuz she fooled every last one of us!" I mean, really. Her scheme's gonna blow up in her face eventually. It's not like she'll get away with any of the money she "inherited" as Charlie. Why not get out while you're ahead? UES is addicting, isn't it, Char? (I wanted to call her "C"... then realized that C is Chuck.)
Not enough Blair! She barely showed up! The focus is so not her anymore! See? This is why she shouldn't get married or get pregnant! She becomes a side plot! Blair Waldorf is not a side plot! She's Blair Waldorf! (I think I'm channeling Blair Waldorf...) I mean, she deserves happiness... but at the expense of our entertainment? Hmm... For the record, the only reason I'm able to say this is because I know these aren't real people. Chuuuuuck! He was so sweet. Although I did totally know that he was kissing Blair to give her what she wanted instead of giving in to his own desires. It was pretty obvious. See? He's learning to let go. He needs to do that. If he can let go, the two of them stand a chance again. (Refer to my previous post for my reasoning.)
And lastly, my favorite line in this entire episode.
Dorota: "You really think pillows under covers fool me? You lumpier now!"
Laughed my freaking head off. mdr. (That's "mort de rire," the equivalent of "lol" in french. I refuse to say lol, so I switch to french. It's awesome.)
We may adopt different personas, but let us never forget where we come from. (My little tidbit of wisdom. And... my attempt at imitating Gossip Girl.)
~ XOXO, Seravia
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