Has anyone read Artemis Fowl? There's seven books out right now and we have a title and release date for the final book! Ahhhh! The last book is called Artemis Fowl: The Last Guardian. It's coming out July 10, 2012, at least according to Amazon. It's so exciting! I was so obsessed with Percy Jackson as recently as two days ago, but then I found out about the last Artemis Fowl book and my obsession immediately transferred from PJO to AF.
I loved the first six books. Actually, maybe six is going a bit far. I loved the first five. The sixth... was only awesome because it gave us so much Artemis/Holly romance. The plotline... Wow. Opal is getting seriously old. And now there's two of her? Why? Really, why Eoin Colfer? I mean, time travel, awesome. Artemis stealing magic, awesome upon awesome. Arty/Holly kiss? Holy Zeus! But Eoin Colfer crushed my hopes and dreams... There's this video of him talking about... stuff that I don't remember, but he mentions the relationship between Arty and Holly. He says that he'd never actually let them get together because they're two different species! You can't do that! I was like... nooooo! You can't do this to me! I live for Arty/Holly! (At least, in the AF part of my brain, I do.) But yeah. The Time Paradox was awesome in terms of Arty/Holly. But... I didn't love the rest quite as much. The Atlantis Complex... now that was just screwy. I mean, don't get me wrong, TAC was good at some points, but it didn't exceed my expectations. Turnball Root and his wife... I mean, great fairies and humans can be together. That's gold in terms of Arty/Holly. We have something to go on! Artemis and Holly could get together! I mean, things didn't turn out well with Turnball and his wife... but Turnball's a jerk. Artemis... can also be a jerk, but he's much better than Turnball. This pairing came from nowhere though.
Artemis developing Atlantis Complex... seemed so strange. I mean, I don't doubt there's a fairy disease like that, because you know, if you're more advanced in medicine, you're more advanced in disease too. But it was such an abrupt departure from the other books. And now I'm sure a good portion of The Last Guardian will be spent on talking about Arty's Atlantis Complex. Artemis isn't supposed to get sick... he's Artemis Fowl! And then Orion? Who just happens to be in love with Holly? C'mon. If that isn't Eoin Colfer throwing us a bone, then what is it? I know Artemis isn't going to live as long as Holly, but that doesn't mean it can't work while he lives...
I've been skeptical about The Last Guardian. One, the title is cheesy. Everything before was... tasteful and a little puzzling until you finished the book. Except maybe Atlantis Complex, but that's one I have issues with. It's something about in the war between fairies and humans, the fairies that died were buried around a portal leading to the fairy world. And now Opal opens the portal, and of course, this portal just happens to be located at Fowl Manor. And these fairies will possess humans, so they'll be possessing the Fowls. And apparently, rabbits and a porcupine. Strangest thing I've ever heard an author say in an interview. I didn't even know porcupines existed at Fowl Manor... So of course, this'll be another race against time. I'm sure they'll almost die, but make it. And in a previous interview, Colfer's mentioned that Arty has to make the choice between being a good person and giving up cash, or being a bad person and getting a pile of cash. And Arty will choose to be good. And he'll give up the fairy world... So I'm so confused. I don't know if the info from the previous interview is accurate anymore either.
Ponder the previous books with me. Artemis Fowl, Arty is the bad guy and he and Holly basically tie. He gets half the gold, Holly takes the other half away. You win some, you lose some. The Arctic Incident. They start cooperating, saves Arty's father and quells the goblin rebellion. Eternity Code. C-Cube, more cooperation. Arty's dangerous. Mind wipe. Opal Deception. Arty gets his memory back. Opal. What else is there to say? Lost Colony. Saving demon colony. The whole losing three years thing was a little screwy too. Time Paradox. Goes back in time to save JayJay to help Angeline who's actually being possessed by Opal. Convolutions galore. Atlantis Complex. Arty's basically crazy. He's a prisoner of his own brilliant mind. They need him, he can't help. Turnball's loopy. Last Guardian. Fairy spirits possessing the Fowls? There's a portal from the fairy world to the mudman world? What? Why was none of this ever mentioned before? Does no one else see the train of thought derailing? Don't get me wrong, I'm excited as hell. But I'm just hoping it exceeds my expectations.
Now, I shall rant about a project I did for my Mythology class involving Artemis Fowl. Oh I know perfectly well that AF has nothing to do with mythology. Unless you interpret mythology as stuff that isn't real. But we're talking Greek mythology, norse mythology, etc. We were told to do a 45 minute presentation on a film of our choice. I chose to do a book. I chose Artemis Fowl. I decided to prove that Holly is the reason for Artemis' change from the criminal to a good person. We all know that's true. But hey, you could say that Butler or Angeline caused the change! I found so much stuff supporting Arty/Holly! The books are a freaking gold mine of Arty/Holly romance! How could Eoin Colfer deny that it's happening? The most important piece of proof I found was in The Opal Deception. Foaly said that Artemis would revert back to old Artemis after his mind wipe. He does to some extent, but not completely. But after meeting Holly, he doesn't believe that Holly's his friend. But he trusts her. He starts changing again, BEFORE getting his memories back. He decides he doesn't need compensation for helping Holly before he regains his memories. Ha! Holly is the catalyst for his change! It's clear as day. And I can actually find solid proof! I'm not just saying it!
Phew! Can't wait for The Last Guardian to come out!
~XOXO, Seravia
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